November 2017 Financial Report

We are nearing the close of another year, and have witnessed another month of the Lord’s faithfulness. December brings the anticipated arrival of a few more men that will gradually bring us to capacity as they each arrive throughout the month.

Through a time of empty beds, the Lord has been faithful to make up the difference needed in finances. Although we do not bring in the full operating cost of the homes through the program fees charged to the men and women, we have never been late on bills. We continue to pray for the men’s and women’s beds to be filled.

We also continue to pray to be led to a home church, and we pray for laborers to be involved in this ministry that Lord has called into being. We wait patiently for the Lord’s direction in where we can be a witness and where the men and women can learn of Christ.

We are planning on a large Christmas gathering: a family Christmas, filled with giving, the same way we received free grace from Christ. With the number of people involved, we are not sure the main house will hold us all, but again, we wait and trust that God will direct and provide. We anticipate about 40 people for Christmas.

It is our hope, that not only will it be a wonderful Christmas, (for one of our guys, it will be his first Christmas in 35 years), but that the church can witness God’s Grace and be moved to worship the King and serve in devotion and love for Him.

We continue on, remembering how God has led and trusting that He is faithful and will lead and supply what is needed through the deepening of the Life in those that seek Him first.

Our prayer, as always, is for Adullam to display the Father’s faithfulness by the Holy Spirit in Glorifying Jesus Christ through the service to and provision for the men and women brought to Adullam; to be a witness of Who He is, first to His Bride, and unto the ends of the Earth.


Report_from_Adullam_House_Ministries (9) Adullam House Minstries Accounts November 2017 - Sheet1