We wish to share a brief summary of our experience of the Faithfulness of God over the last ten years; Not to show success, accomplishments, or what we have done, but to share what God, our Father has done by the Holy Spirit to exalt Jesus Christ our Lord.
In 2012, Adullam began as a transitional home with 5 beds for men with a $1500 monthly budget ($18,000 per year). Over the last 10 years, we have grown to a budget of up to $240,000 a year with as many as 45 beds for men and 15 beds for women; from renting one residence to renting 13 residences.
We have grown only by prayer and not by design. We have had no strategy, plan, or vision. By the Lord’s guidance, with nothing intentional on our part, we became primarily a transitional home for the incarcerated.
Adullam houses people that have done long-term stretches in prison which means many individuals with violent offenses or sex offenses in their pasts. Over the years, we have encountered more people with health problems, both physical health issues and mental health issues.
We have acquired new residences that the Lord supplied in miraculous ways, yet always financed by prayer and sole dependence on our Lord. We have not sought out grants or fundraisers, but continue to exist and grow through God’s provision through private donations, anonymous to the world, where then solely our Lord Jesus Christ may incur the honor.
We have had whole years where our bank balance has only averaged three to four thousand at the end of the month while our monthly budget has been $20,000 with leases totaling over $13,000. Yet our bills have never once been paid late.
Despite the consistent monthly expenses, we have continued to spend according to scripture on needs that arise day by day. We do not withhold because of bills due in the future, but trust that God will provide what is needed. If someone comes to us out of prison with no money, we buy them food and clothes to get them by knowing that we are to lend freely, since this is the Lord’s ministry. He is responsible. We live completely dependent on Him, understanding that we cannot ask the Lord to fill a need if we have money left that we are not willing to give.
We have put aside 10% of donated funds aside for missions and in the 6 years as an independent nonprofit organization, we have been able to set aside approximately $34,000 for missions, We have not touched that money for Adullam’s financial needs, trusting God’s faithfulness to provide and to lead in where to give the missions money each year.
Adullam is not staffed and no one receives a salary. Those that are a part, fulfill different roles, whether it be living in the houses, or filling in where the needs arise. We each live seeking to know more of Jesus Christ and each has witnessed how Adullam is the vehicle God is using to reveal Himself.
Adullam has housed over 400 men and women over the last 10 years. We have seen true salvation, which is rare, for it is the narrow road that few have found. We have seen lostness and death. But always our focus is on our Lord, not the work, and so we have gotten to know Him deeper, desiring to share this through our daily living.
As this is written I am overwhelmed with thankfulness to His faithfulness to us; how He has used a few broken people to house over 400 in need, including supplying all the needs for all the residences.
We do not wish to boast in numbers and cannot explain all that has been done. We desire to show and testify that the Lord, by His sovereign will choose a few of His children to display Himself to the world. That every need, no matter the cost, will be met by Him for His Namesake. In the words of Hudson Taylor, “God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supplies.” And God’s way is dependence and prayer every morning, every day. And this is how He reveals Himself. We have taken the scriptures, and with them, followed the example of George Müller, Anthony Norris Groves, Hudson Taylor, Amy Carmichael and have witnessed once again, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever to His Glorious praise.
My desire is that as we go forward, He continues to display Himself so He can be known and others can see tangible evidence of His word and promises that can be trusted.
~ His servant
We are ordinary, faithless people, who, over the last few years, have come to know more of our Father by Him revealing our great weakness and helplessness.
We have come to know Him.
We belong to a great and merciful, faithful God.
The obstacle has not just been that I am weak, the obstacle is not realizing HOW weak I really am.
What God has done over these years is show me how weak I am- which drives me to Him in prayer- not because of great discipline, or righteous conduct, but because I need to.
I need Him.
It is my need that drove me to Christ and it is my need that makes me hunger for Him daily.
Despite my weakness and daily failures, God does not fail.
I am entrusted to Him and my life is not my own.
Adullam is His: built, sustained, and provided for by Him through people whose flesh and hearts fail;
But He is the strength of our hearts and our portion forever.
Oh, what joy learning more of my Lord as He reveals the depth of my weakness and teaches me to trust only Him.
– another servant of Christ
I remember as a child, my mom reading stories from George Müller about how God supplied for the needs of so many children, in what seemed to me absolutely incredible ways. It sparked a longing in me to experience God working in such ways.
Now after so many years of my own complacency, God has been faithful to that desire He gave when I was a child, to draw me away from all the systems and establishments that I hid behind and I am humbled and overwhelmed with gratitude towards my Heavenly Father that He would allow me to experience Him in dependence and to witness His sovereignty and faithfulness.
Seeing the lostness, brokenness, and bondage in people’s lives has been a continual reminder of what my life would be like had I been left to myself and God in His mercy had not saved me.
Time and time again, He has gently shown me how I defer to myself and my own abilities, and despite that, He reveals Himself as a faithful, loving Father, who walks with us in such intimate ways as I have no words to express how cherished I feel.
– Gratefully His
2021 Year Financial Summary: